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"Honest luv makes one's soul a reflection of the partner's moods. -Jan. 01, 2005
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Little Wonders A Long Road I Must Travel , This Is but the beginning... Often I'd tell myself that. Its been many months since i went on hiastus. My desktop got busted. Been too busy. Got things here n that. The list of excuses why I've not updated is indeed long and justified. Show me the meaning of being busy. In the day, I work in one of the busiest hospital in Singapore, and in the night, in persuit of knowledge. I keep remindin myself... that a long road I must travel, this is but the beginning. So many things to do, so little time. Back then, when I was so focused only on my werk, tht I find time flies by. Hours spent @ werk and I barely keep track of time. Now, time is indeed so precious to me. Even if its just an hour... so many things tht could be done. Fatigued, weary. But this time, its not because of shattered hope or lack of faith. It is lack of rest. Attrition is takin a heavy toll on me. Dividing wht little time I hav between werk, studies, family and personal life. Sumtimes I feel like a circus performer whose jugglin more n more bowlin pins then I am capable of. It is a matter of time before all the pins ended up crashin @ my face. Strangely, the only time that I feel for a breather is time when Im on my bike between werk, home n skool. Its like a bizare tiangle in Singapore, i'd be makin trip frm point to point many times a day. So what little time I have, I now spend time infront of my lappie thinkin @ which point I should update. Should I update hw ridicilously BZ n HECTiC my werk plc is increasingly becomin? Or should I update abt skool n how Im strugglin to cope wif it. Sneak peak... we covered 49 pages of Biology texts in 3 hours. Its like a vicious cycle. Wake up early in the mornin for werk, knock off late noon and rush off to hm for a 'power' nap, then shower and hit the road again to reach skool before 1900 hrs. Intrestin? Of course! End skool and reach hm arnd 23OO and repeat performance of wakin up @ 0500 for my sahur. I sure could use a universal remote control juz like in the movie ClicK! My entry ends here. Will update again when I can squeeze some time. Oh, degressin abit,on a sid note, its amazing tht there are some imbecile who goes to messenger wif the msn line "Im BZ u asshole, cant u read?" At first I was thinkin, wht the hell? Soo BZ that u hav to advertise on messenger? U can excercise an option which is to IGNORE ur msn frenz who PM u. But then again I was thinkin, if u r too bz, why in messenger in the 1st plc? Well, perhaps to do sum group online discussion abt sum project related matter. So I guess that msn line was intended for her frenz whom are assholes who cant read. I chuckled to myself as a sayin "Your choice of frenz are a reflection of self," came into my mind. Full circle. LoL!
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