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"Honest luv makes one's soul a reflection of the partner's moods. -Jan. 01, 2005
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More Than Juz Words They say a picture says a thousand words. Hw bout music thn? Is music a reflection of a person's mood? Or perhaps its the other way around... music influences a persons mood? Ppl do so many things to xpress themselves. Sum take up writing. Or a clothes concept or the cliques tht they hang out wif, lending credence to the saying birds of the same feather flock together. Sum are too confused to even knw wht image they wanted to be potrayed... these ppl are the ones I called posers... ppl tht r easily impressed. I picture them as tall trees wif pliable trunks... they bow to the direction following the wind. LoL! These are often the ppl tht find strength in numbers. Example... bein very rude and obnoxious, picking stupid fight like "Eh... apa kau nak tgk aku atas bawah?" LoL! I feel like laughing at these ppl... after all... watching them strut their 'stuffs' in skin tight jeans... u might wander if their skinny legs might break wif a well placed kick. Sides... guess the world muz be runnin out of denim material. And when they r alone... well.. lets juz say they tend to be very good boys. Pathetic. Its really hard to earn my respect... and even harder to gain my trust. I often cum across raya photos... or even encounterin 'rombongan' raya these week. Often I would encounter them at the traffic light when I'm on my bike waiting for the trafic lite to turn green... or even at the bus stop when the rare times I took the bus for a change. One thing tht is constant.. is tht I luv lookin at the ladies in their traditional kurung. It bring back pride of knwing tht I am a malay. Of my heritage and my history. Like the saying goes.. "Tak melayu hilang di dunia" So you can imagine my horror when I came across a couple of mats in spiky punk dyed hair. Wif a kurung top and tapered JEANS. What fashion sense is this? Tapered kurong? Can sumone pls cum forward and tell me wht's the appeal wif tapered? I mean... if u gt sum meat and muscle behind it I can perhaps understand u wana show off... like the saying goes "If U hav it, flaunt it!" But wearing xteme tights when u r juz skin over bones? To quote frm Harry Potter... "Bloody Hell!" Niway... yeah, I envy the laughter and the joy tht most ppl hav this festive season. Perhaps its juz me alawys so distant and brooding. As of late... I've been doin lotsa thinking. Trying to define myself... wht I want in life and reflecting time and time again frm my past... hoping to find answers frm questions tht perhaps sumthing tht I might hav overlooked. Sum ppl are juz plain much more fortunate than I am. They r blessed wif happiness... not knwing the meaning or defination of hardship. But when I look at these ppl... envy turned to pity and then appreciation. Envy tht they r so happy... bt then I would ask myself... the reason behind the happiness. The answer is tht cums back to me is "sheltered and pampered." The booksmart and the streetsmart. Often it is the poor or sumone tht often faced wif hardship tht leans more on streetsmart. The booksmart are the rich, pampered pll tht r often coddled or whooed wif riches or too much overwhelming luv. Thts when pity and appreciation sets in. Pity these poor souls who do not knw the meaning or taste of hardship and loss. To be sheltered frm the reality of life is indeed a very sad and painful thing if the poor soul do encounter the real world. Appreciation tht for all my moaning and jealousness... well.. at least I knw how to take care of myself and those whom I hold most dear. It is indeed very lonely the path tht I walk. Perhaps I am not lonely at all, merely me juz bein very solitary and all. After all, is it the ppl around me whose at fault juz becoz they fail to see the real me beneath the facade? Not everyone is tht perceptive or deep thinking shah. U hav to remember tht. Perhaps tht's the reason why... only those closest to me do hav the capacity to look further beyond... or the compassion and empathy themselves. For I choose my frenz well. For I hav been taught well.
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